Update June 21/07A letter from TransLink was received from Mayor Judy Forster in response to her letter, Improve 351 Campaign has been awaiting word from the Mayor's office regarding permission to post and just received that permission via email yesterday June 20/07. However we have been directed by the Mayor's office to obtain permission from TransLink in order to post. The letter will be posted as soon as we obtain that permission.
Update April 13/07
Here is a copy of the letter that Mayor Judy Forster of White Rock has sent to the Translink board. We will update on any response.
Dear Chair Malcom Brodie & Translink Board Members,
I am contacting you regarding an issue of great importance to the citizens of White Rock: the service provided by the #351 bus, which is virtually the only public transportation option available for those wishing to travel from White Rock to
Although I am fortunate enough to be employed close to home, many other citizens of White Rock work in
I have heard countless grievances about the #351 service, most of which center around two main problems: the frequent tardiness of this bus, and frequent cancellations of service, or “no-shows”. I was shocked to hear of the experiences endured by transit riders on a daily basis: long hours standing in the rain; watching half-empty buses pass them by; waiting an extra hour for their bus and then being forced to stand while traveling; and ending their commute by arriving late to their place of employment. This is unacceptable, particularly considering the taxes that individuals and business pay toward financing the transit system.
The problems with public transportation out of White Rock are now forcing frustrated commuters back into their cars. I like to encourage “green” behavior, and it would be wonderful to see an increase in transit usage, rather than a decrease. Unfortunately, this will not occur until service to and from White Rock is improved.
I am therefore urging Translink to re-evaluate the public transportation system in White Rock, with particular attention to the late and cancelled bus routes and the unrealistic morning rush hour bus service (I have been advised that it currently ends at 7:10 AM out of White Rock). I understand that Translink is attempting to improve our community’s transit by adding two new buses to the rush hour service routes, but I hope the changes will not stop there. As it currently stands, the average person who lives in White Rock and needs to arrive at work on time in
Thank you for considering White Rock’s transportation needs. I look forward to seeing more people in this community leaving their cars at home in favour of an effective and reliable transit system.
Judy L. Forster,
March 19/07
The "Improve the 351 Campaign" has just received support from the municipal/local government level. The Mayor of White Rock is taking a sincere interest in the situation and has agreed to send a letter to TransLink requesting action. Next up... seeking support at the Provinical level.
Update Feb 21/07
Starting in April, TransLink will be adding two buses to the 351 route. The additional buses will run during the morning and evening rush hour. This is a positive first step, and the campaign will continue until the bus system is one we can depend on. Keep your ideas and experiences coming.
Update Feb 03/07
I have been receiving postings from some 351 drivers expressing their frustrations at being blamed for problems that are out of their control . I understand that your shifts are long with short or no breaks and that it must be difficult to deal with complaints from riders on a daily basis. Please understand that the intention of this blog is not against the drivers. The system is failing the commuter's needs period. TransLink needs to relook at the scheduling of the buses they currently have and how to allocate future buses. The success of the "Improve the 351 Campaign" can only improve the driver's situation and we ask for your support. A special thanks go out to the drivers that offered suggestions for improvement, much appreciated.
Jan 31/07, UPDATE:
Regarding the "plan;" I would first like to reassure everyone that yes a plan is in place.
The plan does involve contacting local, regional, provincial and federal members of the government and yes a petition and a meeting will be arranged in the future. Secondly, the "improve the 351" campaign will continue until we get a bus service that we can rely on. The success of the "improve the 351 campaign" counts on steps that will lead to action. If you would like to offer suggestions or volunteer please notify me.
Be advised, I will post all blogs that contain subject matter that is relevant to the goal of this blog. In answer to Kim's comment re:Jan 31 posting; the posting you refer to did have relevant material in the first paragraph and therefore the posting was admitted.
Our "collective voice" can make a difference. Keep those postings coming.
Nov 19/06
Let us get the message to TransLink:
a late 351 is understandable,
a no show 351 is unacceptable!
If you are as frustrated as I am with repeatedly being late due to a scheduled bus that did not show, then you are ready to be part of the solution. You probably have already put more then a few calls into TransLink asking where the 351 is, only to hear they have no idea; the driver has not called in. You may have even had a nice chat with TransLink's Customer Service Department about the problem. You may have resorted by now to taking an earlier bus adding to your commute time. You may even have changed your work times to commute off rush hour, only to find that the problem is worse due to fewer buses serving the route during that time. I have tried all of these and still no improvement.
So how can we improve the 351? By approaching TransLink with a collective voice!
Post your experiences with a "no show" 351 and suggestions on how to improve the service. Please include your name. I will ensure TransLink sees all relevant postings. I will also ensure that "our collective voice" if required is also taken to members of the government that understands a reliable bus service is key to avoid further traffic congestion in an already fragile infrastructure.
Yes, we are all aware that the RAV line may help with the traffic flow, but that is a few years away and we need improvement now!
I will post updates as progress happens.
What you can do in the meantime; put a call into TransLink's Customer Relations Department each time there is a no show, document the place and time the no show happened and notify the "Improve351" blog. Record the bus number and time you were picked up and notify TransLink.
We can make a difference!
An aside note for future consideration; it perplexes me that we do not have a West Coast Express train serving this side of the lower mainland. Lets utilize the existing train track we already have. Lets utilize the waterway we have. "The powers at be" need to take a trip to other parts of the world to see how how water and trains can be utilized to free up road congestion. The future Canada Line (RAV) out of an already congested Richmond in my opinion is not the answer for commuters out this far. One has to wonder if the amount of time we may save on the RAV line itself will be lost by the bus commute on either end. I have spoken to TransLink about the future of the 351 in respect to the RAV line; lets just say you may see me posting another blog titled "Save the 351."
D.L. Robinson